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Simple Circuit Diagram
This is the simplified circuit diagram of the electronics

Force Resistive Sensor Application
The FSR must be used with a soft material on both side, or the sensor will receive punching forces directly and have a shorter life span

Raw signals (no filter applied))
These data are very difficult to use because the value keep fluctuating

Filtered signals (low-pass filter)
After going through a low pass filter in Arduino, the raw data have been smoothed out and become much user-friendly

Ring Lights
First option for lighting contact points.

EL Lighting
Finalized option of using EL lights

Installation of electronics
This part is when all the components are connected well and be put on the silicon model. It includes all the wiring and welding work
System Integration

*The lights are turned on upon receiving the corresponding signals from the game. They will turn off when the force sensors receive a scoring punch.
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